Thursday, April 2, 2009

One Cool Dude

As I get older I am learning. Our walk through this world is full of experiences and it takes all of these experiences to make us who we are. When we get old all we really have is family, friends, pictures, and stories to tell. Max Stalling says,"Life's mostly... scars and souvenirs." I believe that. This is a story about a friend of mine.

TJ loved kids. He was old enough to be my dad when I was a kid and called me son. It was an inside joke of sorts because we are not related, but as I get older I am realizing we have quite a bit in common. I think alot of our philosophies on life are the same, and if you know me, I love to talk "a philosophy". :)

I'll remember it if I live to be 100. It was the late summer of 1995 and after spending all spring and summer going to the youth rodeos to win checks for $25 and precious points for the year end, it was at last the Finals. Every year the finals were held in Seguin, Texas and for almost a week, that town was a little piece of heaven on earth. Well to a 16 year old kid anyway. There was plenty to do during the day, like swimming and hanging out, and a rodeo every night. What else do you need?

My friends and I had just finished swimming in the Guadalupe River which ran by an RV park where lots of our friends stayed for the week. We would go to their park and swim almost everyday. This day we were drying off around a picnic table, when down the road, at a faster than medium pace, came this old suburban. As it got closer I noticed that all 4 of the windows were down. The vehicle I didn't recognize but the driver I did. It was TJ. He had on a Hawaiian shirt, Bermuda shorts, and was smoking a cigar. This was not all that strange to see. When he pulled up though, in that old borrowed from someone suburban, the picture became more clear. That suburban was loaded with little kids. When I say loaded, I mean you couldn't fit another one in there sideways. Every passenger looked exhausted and exhilarated at the same time. If you've seen many kids after a long day of excitement, you know the look. The suburban rolled to a stop and the kids all bailed out, windblown hair, swimsuits (most with Popsicle juice dripped all down the front of them) and smiles.....huge smiles. Some of their parents were around the table where we were standing. TJ strolled up cigar in hand. A happier fellow you wouldn't find.

"Did you guys have fun?", one of them asked.

"Oh, man, you bet! We ate Popsicles, and played at Schlitterbahn all day! You should have seen them!" TJ explained with glee. "I think they were afraid we were gonna take'em over when I released these wild Indians on'em!"

The parents all laughed. I did too. I remembered thinking to myself, here is a guy who could've spent his day lounging by the river enjoying a good cigar or doing any number of other things. That wasn't TJ's style though. He wanted to share his day with those kids (his daughter Lauren was one of them) and it brought him great joy to see them happy. Not only see them happy, but to make their day by taking them to a waterpark, paying for them all to get in, springing for snacks, drinks, made an impression on me.

I stood there a 16 year old kid and for one of the first times I can remember, I realized....this ain't just about me. Those kids may not remember that day because over the course of their lives they probably went to many waterparks and did many other things. I remember it like it was yesterday and I didn't even go.

I don't get to see my friend TJ as much as I used to. I hear he is doing well, and that makes me happy. We run into each other from time to time and catch up as much as possible. I can tell you this though.....some day I'm gonna load up a vehicle full of other peoples kids and spend the day lettin'em go hog wild and then take'em back to their parents exhausted.....I know a fella who sure made it look fun. TJ, here's to you my friend.

Take the time to make someone's day every once in a while, it just might come back around sometime.

Here's my friend TJ now dining with a cute young lady.

Pappa, teaching Precious Grandaughter Tylie Faye proper ettiquette at a elegant Tea Party


  1. Thank's Justin, children have always been one of my joy's, they are God's gift.

  2. I re-read this on occasion when Memories Gate is back on it's Golden Hinges and my heart goes into the Garden and walks with the olden things
    Thank's Son...Jus Sain...!!!
