Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Better Job

“You know, sometimes I think we’re crazy for doing this to make a livin?”

This was a statement that had never before come out of Cap’s mouth. At least to Ely’s knowledge anyway. He had to investigate.

“What else would you do for a livin’ ‘cept this?” he asked.

“Well, I could do almost anything. I’m not lazy, and a man who’ll work, will never be hungry and that’s a fact. I could go into town and get me a regular job, where nothing is trying to either hook me, or depend on me to survive.”

This was a conversation that began to take place while a fence crossing a creek, called a “water gap”, was being repaired after rain had washed it out. This was a notoriously hated job in Cap’s book and this had caused his mood to sour. It was perfectly normal….if you knew him at all. Ely decided not to waste this opportunity.

“You sure could," replied Ely. You know I was reading the paper last week and they had some job listings in there. How about the city street department? I can testify that they need help alright. They ain’t fixed a city street in 20 years or better. Our gravel roads are smoother than them paved ones in town. You could iron that deal out for them right quick.”

A few minutes passed.

“Hey! I also saw an ad in the paper you might be interested in. It said the county needed a new Dog Catcher. Heck that’s gotta be an easy job. All you need is a package of hot dog weenies and a piece of rope in your pocket and you’re set. That’s how you catch Sweetie to load her every time we work cows. You’ve got that job down too.”

More silence. At this point Cap was hip deep in creek water, with about a half roll of barbed wire with a rod through the center above his head, wading to the other side. Stringing new strands of wire at a water gap meant a good rain passed through. It was hard to complain about rain, but easy to complain about fence work. Thus the doubled edged sword of ranching presented itself again.

“Ely, I’ve made my mind up about my profession.”

“Well what’s it gonna be?” asked Ely. “I can get the number down there to City Hall for you when we get back to the headquarters if you like.” He said with a big grin.

“Nope. Not gonna need it. I figure this is the job I was meant to do all along.”


“Yep. Here I get to be the road superintendent, the head dog catcher, the foreman over all jobs big and small, plus in addition to being foreman I get the added satisfaction of being a hired hand just like you. Yep, this is the best of both worlds here Ely. I just had to realize it on my own that’s all.”

“Glad you got to that conclusion by yourself Cap.”

Happy Cinco de Mayo mi amigos,

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